Sunday, September 15, 2013

Park Sundays

Little girl with a red balloon-tired from a long day at the park
 It wasn't a real weekend, just a sort of teaser. In China, missed workdays are nearly always accounted for. We are about to have a four-day weekend for the Moon Festival. However, this means we need to make up class days, leaving us to put in hours on Sunday. With a packed schedule last week and Saturday filled with errands, I really didn't feel up for it. Thankfully, our boss relented to our grumbling and let us leave a few hours early in the afternoon, after administering the writing final. I left my papers on the desk ungraded and practically sprinted out the door into the warm, beautiful sunshine.

My very own rock! Nature! (well, sort of)

Catching tadpoles
After a sweltering summer, things finally seemed to have calmed down and reached bearable temperatures again.  C and I headed for Xujiahui Park, one of my favorites in the city.  I like Xujiahui's greenery, its proximity to our apartment (about a 20 minute walk down Hengshan Rd.), and it's relaxed, community feel. The ponds are especially lovely. Kids collect tadpoles, young men play basketball, couples old and young stroll arm and arm. There are runners, roller skaters, and the usual clusters of men playing majhong.

Shanghai's a big, busy city and it's never really possible to get away from people. It is however, possible to find an area where life slows down just a little bit and the traffic is blocked by walls of greenery.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Because I missed it a little...

Okay, I miss it a lot. We had a painting activity with the students, which was fun. I'm always impressed with how creative they can be.  This was the second session that we've done painting. Last time, we gathered in a circle outside under the trees, next to the stone table where it is rumored Chiang Kai-Shek once played chess. This time, the stifling heat kept us inside the lobby, under the icy gusts of the air conditioning.

I painted this picture of Antigua, just an impression from memory. I wasn't looking at a photo, but I think it captured the feel of it. My coworker, who painted a very zen rendition of his kayak bow cutting through the river, remarked"so I painted what I miss and you painted what you miss".

It's true, I do miss Guatemala. I miss it a little everyday. I won't go on and on about the list of things (ahem: the fresh baked tortillas, the pure blue skies, the colors, Mayan women selling flowers in the market, Blue pacing in the garden of our apartment, micheladas, crumbling cathedrals, the volcanoes rising above the town), but I will say it's an easy place to miss. Everything - the language, the culture, the slow pace of life - is so different than big, busy Shanghai.

I guess I shouldn't mourn the end of one era...after all, someday I'll think nostalgically about Shanghai as well. I suppose I should just be grateful that I've had the opportunity to experience them both.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hotel del Norte

The old hotel we stayed at in Puerto Barrios. The floors sagged, the deck slanted, and the stairs creaked, but the old place was imbued with a wonderful sense of history. Apparently it was built around the turn of the century and used to house workers from the United Fruit Company.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Antigua preps for Independence Day

Fuego Erupts!

I woke up yesterday morning intending to be incredibly productive, until my boss called and told me to go have a look at Fuego. From the street I could see a huge plume of smoke and ash rising from the actual eruption! So instead of concentrating on my school work, C and I rushed off to watch from the roof of La Merced. It was a spectacular (and, I'll admit, somewhat nerve-wracking) sight to behold. So far, there are plans to evacuate some 30,000 people from communities close to the mountain and lava flows have threatened several roads. 

Apparently, NASA documented the eruption from space:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The Hawaii-Monterrico Biosphere

The docks - Monterrico

Monterrico is located on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala, about 2.5 hours southwest of Antigua.  The brilliant thing about it is that there’s almost nothing to do.  No dive boats, no thumping clubs, no surfing.  The ocean, with an unforgiving break close to the shore, even discourages most swimmers. The small village has a rustic, laid-back charm.  A handful of seafood restaurants, black sand, stray dogs, political graffiti on crumbling walls.  

Our activities in Monterrico consisted of:

1. Floating in the pool

2.  Drinking Beer

3. Walking on the beach

4. Drinking beer

5. Eating Ceviche

….you get the picture!
Yes, that is a giant pelican...and he's not about to be pushed around!

There is one undeniably splendid attraction: the Hawaii-Monterrico Biosphere, an extensive reserve of mangrove canals home to caiman, iguanas, fish, crustaceans, and migrating birds.  We took a canoe tour organized by a fantastic guide from the “Tortuguero”; a local organization that protects nesting sea turtles and other wildlife. It was worth waking up at 5 am to see the spectacular sunrise over the distant volcanoes.  Due to the influx of fresh water during the rainy season, the canals were especially green.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Convento Capuchinas and Santa Clara

Courtyard of Convento Capuchinas

Outside of the San Francisco Cathedral

Convento Santa Clara

Covento Santa Clara