Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Panza Verde and Escalonia Cafe

We continued our super-touristy week by visiting La Escolonia; a café and nursery on the far south side of town. We’d first visited in February and walked away with a lucky bamboo. There are a wide variety of indoor and outdoor plants for sale, or you can just enjoy strolling and eating in the beautiful garden setting. Also snapped some photos of the gorgeous hotel Panza Verde. I’ve been going to yoga there semi- regularly (http://www.yogantigua.com/). They have excellent instructors and a wonderful atmosphere! Probably not a bad place to stay either, if you are visiting Antigua and have some cash to spend!

C on the roof of Panza Verde Hotel

Tourist Me

"Tipico" breakfast at La Escalonia Cafe

C in La Escalonia nursery (photo taken back in February)

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